Message to Interpol 26.8.24:

The White House and Interpol has received messages from me in 2023/2024 concerning the 9.11 attack.

I have sent the messages because someone involved in crime or someone mentally ill has tried to create wrong perceptions over some time about me. People who have done so have had money motives and/or a motive
to blame someone else for own mistakes in, before and after 2011. People who connect to PCs I use these days, like before, are undoubtably mentally ill. 

I like to add some information to the information I have shared so far.

In late 1999, in 2000 or in the beginning of 2001 when I typed a few lines concerning use of passenger airplanes as "weapons" I remember well that I thought someone a few times used

a kind of strong blinding light or kind of strong flash light directed towards the windows of the apartment I lived in and later towards a cellar window in a room I lived in for a limited time period at my mothers

house. I mention this because I think it is a relevant detail in the story. Whether or not it was a same kind of 
blinding light that was reported to have been seen the evening/night of the car accident that killed the Princess of Wales
I can't know but I do wonder. 

I mention this detail because I think it is quite likely that the text I typed on my private PC was "picked up" by someone a before I months later first submitted the text on a stocktalk and deleted it less than 24 hours later, and immediately after sent a message to the Norwegian surveillance police POT in which I encouraged them to consider associated risks.

So someone got hold of this text regardless of what I did, and that should not be unthinkable having in mind that someone still is and have been connected to my PC 24/7/365 over many years, without my permission and without my awareance of it for many years. It is worrying that some people are allowed to treat PC owners/users the way they do and that PCs and operating systems are made in a way that enable them to.

Why did someone use blinding lights against me? I believe to disrupt my sleep during stressful times, and to try to
disrupt my mental wellbeing/comfort. More information can be found about and at

Also after 9.11 someone tried to disrupt my phychological wellbeing and sleep. A person present in a room over a room I rented in accomodation for students by Carl Berners plass in Oslo dropped a small object repeatedly on the floor long enough to get annoyed and stressed by it. This happened several times. No one admitted to have done so.  

I believe someone had an intention to create a perception of that I was mentally ill.


Christian M. Borge