Information concerning the 22nd July terrorist case and concerning ********* censored*********
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I just like to inform Seoul police about ********* censored*********
I came to Asia and to Seoul as a consequence of crimes I have been a victim of in Europe since before 2011. That made me move from Norway to Latvia in the end of August 2023, and because I also was victim of datacrimes during the months I stayed also there I left Latvia in June 2024. This summer I have been in Vilnius in Lithuania and thereafter in Warsaw in Poland. I have experienced harrassment linked to the datacrimes I have been a victim of by a large number of people all places (especially in the capitals), all under influence by someone mentally ill and/or by someone involved in organized crime. People involved were locals and/or visitors (young and old).
Datacrimes concerns abuse of stolen, unshared, deleted and trashed data someone who has connected to my PC over a long time without my acceptance and awareance of it has abused in sick/insane ways. Someone has probably “picked up” all data from my PC by use of a screen camrecorder.
When a sports project I had worked on for some years had become valuable in 2011
they decided to start using data tactically with money motives in an attempt to get hold of my project.
The people who committed these datacrimes against me also influenced on the person who committed the 22nd July crimes in Norway in 2011. I know this for sure. They have also committed or influenced on people who have committed other crimes since 2007 or since before 2007. For example on the person who murdered Martine in London in 2008. I had no idea who Martine was and had then no idea someone stole data from my PC. I wonder if Martine and people releated to her was involved in datacrimes committed against me, and if the crimes also then were linked to the sports project I worked on. I have “nothing to hide” in this case and believe it should be made clear what happened, who committed the datacrimes and who were responsible.
The sports project I worked on was an alterior motive in the 22nd July case. Because of the possible high money value it had in 2011 it was motive for datacrimes and abuse of data. Instead of acknowledging this fact the people who committed the crimes probably succeeded in manipulating people with data from the crimes and have caused problems for me since. Amongst them are/were probably King family members.
There are reasons to suspect that my project was subject in talks between people present at a meeting in the home of the Norwegian crown prince and crown princess in Asker in 2011.
If it was a crime was committed against me and against other minority owners of the project. It also explains why my life suddenly was in danger from 12th May 2011.
I have reported a lot of information to Norwegian police authorities since May 2011
and everything has been ignored. I have also asked for feedback from the Norwegian King family members about whether or not my sports project was subject in talks between people at the meeting but have received no answer. This is/was important information because it is relevant when it comes to investigating who influenced on the 22nd July terrorist. I know this for sure because I remember relevant keystrokes linked to data I never shared but someone undoubtably got hold of.
Someone has lied since 2011 and even tried to create a perception that I collaborated with the terrrorist. I and people in my family have never been in contact with anyone who participated in the 22nd July attack.
What was important and true information relevant in the case was a police case I filed against a neighbour in May/June 2011 that was shelved by mistake only a week after it was registered. The case was undoubtably relevant in the 22nd July case but has been ignored:
When a fire starts, and someone reports information to a fire department that is needed for investigation with a purpose to stop a fire, it is crucial that it is handled in a correct way immediately to have a chance to stop it. That didn’t happen when it comes to the police case I filed. Weeks and the months after several crimes were committed by people who committed the datacrimes, or by people who committed the crimes influenced on.
The police case was an important signal to police of that something was wrong but they ignored it and still do because they are sick.
For these reasons I have had to leave Europe. I have committed no crime in, before and/after 2011 and have had a big problem with that my sports project has been denied as motive in the 22nd July case. No one has acknowledged that the system I planned, who also other people worked on, had a very high potential money value in 2011, and that it was motive for robbery.
People in denial still connect to my PC without my permission and have sabotage several projects that could have given me an income.
The reason for why I write this message to ********* censored*********.
I of course have no plan to kill myself or to disappear and want to be a positive energy in the society I live in or visit. I am looking for a country to seek a residence permit in. May be in Asia because of the special problems someone has caused for me in Europe.
A lot of Norwegian were affected by the 22nd July tragedy, also if it only was a play by “actors” and had to do with an American investigation of details concerning the police surveillance scandal in Norway before 9.11 and with national security in Norway
(that I share information about in my webpage)If it was a “play” most people also in Norway didn’t know about it.
There have been several wrong accusations and lies against me. One of the lies concerns the mother of the 22nd July terrorist. About 1,5 years before the terrorist attack I talked on phone with the mother about the passing away of my mother in 2007.
She lived in the neighbourhood where my mother lived and, and probably contacted and started talking with my mother with personal motive. That probably has to do with details I have written about the police surveillance scandal in Norway in 2001 in my website. The mother’s former husband worked for some time as a diplomat for Norwegian authorities in Great Britain.
I was not aware of such motive and neither was my mother until I have realized many years later that is probably how it was.
It could be proven in 2011 that I called her phone in first quarter 2010 and she would have been able to confirm the contents in the conversation we had, that lasted for some minutes, if she is alive or while she was alive. While I visited my mother in the neighbourhood I had noticed that they said “hallo” to each other, and
because the mother was no “friend” of my mother she wasn’t thought about
when we contacted people about our mothers funeral. My brothers and sister had no idea about who she was. After the funeral I had “the person my mother sometimes had said hallo to” in the back of my mind and took a note of that I should call her and may be talk some words about the passing away of my mother because I thought “she may have had emotions about that my mother suddenly disappaeared from the area when she passed away. When I later had capacity to do something about it, and thought it could be nice to meet someone to talk in memorable ways about my mother, I picked up the phone and called the woman.
Later, recent years, it has become clearer to me that my mother may have been victim of a crime both on the day she passed away in 2007 and also a couple of years before.
I wonder if she was victim of blackmail by someone who connected to my PC in and before 2007. I also wonder if the mother or the son were involved in the crimes committed against my mother.
There has also been lies concerning a sheet of paper. Probably by King family members and by someone involved in crime who has influenced on King family members.
The lie has been used by someone as argument to connect to my PC all years since 2011, and by someone also to sabotage projects I have worked on. Including the sports project.
I sometimes have been curious about psychology behind some kind of criminal acts
and for that reasons and sometimes typed “wondering words” about this. I had no motive to kill anyone in and before 2011 and still don’t believe I have even though I have had very good reasons to by annoyed at people who have caused problems for me since 2011, who also have failed to acknowledge the truth that the project I worked on was motive in the case. People who have lied have done so for two reasons. One is that they wanted my sports project themselves and two that they did mistakes in 2011 or 2012 that has had consequences.
I have never communicated in any way with the terrorist. I have never met him and did of course not know him. This can be proven in a way because it is impossible that there exists evidence or witnesses that indicates we have met or communicated.
You may read more about me and about what may be the cause of this in my website ********* censored********* , and especially when it comes to texts about a police surveillance scandal in Norway prior to 9.11.
I am worried about especially King family members and people linked to them, including people working for police and defence authorities in especially Norway, if they still don’t acknowledge these simple truths and if they keep on connecting to my PC without my permission.
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Christian Morten Borge