Not from family rich on tobacco

From 2005-2011 and for some time after I worked hard and honestly on a sports project that become very promising and valuable. This was «my» project that I gave programmers and people who worked with me an ownership in. Sadly people who committed data crimes against me who tried to get hold my project before the summer 2011 somehow influenced on the person who committed the 22nd July crimes in Norway in 2011 (a terrorist attack). They have also tried to create many wrong perceptions in the time after based on stolen, trashed and unshared privat keystrokes (it's really insane!).

Before 2011, in 2011 and after 2011 I also believe people who committed datacrimes by connecting to my PC have spread wrong information about me and people related to me to people in different countries with personal motives. First of all I and people close to me of course had nothing to do with the 22nd July crimes.

And my family branch has not become rich on tobacco. One of my ancestors had a legal tobacco business in Norway generations ago. He earned his money through hard- and honest work like most people do like my other ancestors have done. The tobacco business was inherited by another family branch a long time ago and they have, as far as i know, sold the business a long time ago. They are involved in honest and fair work. I have never met any of the persons who inherited the tobacco business.

One of the family branches I come from have been shipowners in generations until the business ended in second half of 1990s, one also had a big farm in Norwegian scale (compared to farms for example in America a very small farm), another of my ancestors was a manager of construction workers,  his children have had management over a store complex he acquired for money from hard and honest work, one had a hardware store in the store complex, and some of them have done other "good things" in the periods they lived. One was for example president of the organizing commetee during the winter Olympics in Norway in 1952 and another was maire in Oslo for a couple of years many years ago. He had an important role in the building of the city hall in Oslo. My ancestors have of course also done other things.  

People in my family are normal and good people and also my relatives are perceived in that way. I have neither been a victim of sexual child abuse and neither has any of my brothers/sisters. People related to me have as far as I know only been involved in legal businesses/work and I don't believe there is any reason to critizise and oppose any of them.

What really can be critizised is that someone has connected to my PC over many years without my acceptance, and without my awareance of it most of the time. If my sports project was subject in talks between people present in the home of the Norwegian crown prince and crown princess also that is reason to really critizice. One reason for that is that a crime then had been committed by someone who made it subject there, it was then an attempted robbery and another that it then explains the motive of someones plan to kill me in May 2011 (police case was filed).