I think one can assume that words in the Norwegian language in Norway about that passenger airplanes in theory could be used as weapons did not somehow spread from Norway to someone in the Middle east because someone in Norway wanted someone to attack America, but as a consequence of that someone in Norway based on delusions caused a fear among people working for a police- or defence authority that made words spread to someone in the middle east. Such fear provoked people and probably made someone in the Middle east decide to attack America in such a way.
I think one can assume that happened because I don’t know of any Norwegian who has had a motive in causing damage to America. The message POT received from me about this in 2001 could have been used to reduce risk of that airplanes could be used in such way. Use of airplanes in such way was an obvious way of attack, but the risk was not understood and the message was not handled in the way it could have been. In the email I only encoraged POT to consider associated risk. I did nothing that provoked someone in the Middle east in or before 2001.
It was probably or certainly provocations that made someone decide to attack America in such a way. By someone thinking or working in ill ways. This part if the story is a matter of police- or defence scandal and no crime, and it is not right to hold someone responsible for it. With no February strikes in 2001 and with no provocations 9.11 wouldn’t have happened.
People who caused the scandal, as a consequence of delusions that made some people act and/or say things that provoked someone, have probably not understood or not been capable of acknowledging consequences of their own acts after, may be acts intended to prevent something like that from happening, and have acted ill ways also in all years after. It is important that they get the psychological help they need to get well.