Message to Interpol on the 22nd June 2024 Mentally ill people have since 2011 implied sick thoughts when it comes to the 9.11 attack. The attack undoubtably was a revenge after the February strikes by British and American authorities. People do not need to be genious to understand that. You can read more about this in my webpage People in Riga who are under influence by psychotic people, who probably monitor the PC I use now, who participate in organzied crime under influence by someone, possibly by a sick King/Queen, have for a long time tried to create a wrong perception that I had something to do with people involved in the attack.
Implying such is so insane and criminal that people doing it should be either hospitalized or prisoned. The truth is that someone working for a Norwegian police authority in 2001 (for "POT"), or a person linked to a man with the names *******, ******* or ******* probably has information about what may have happened. I think that the passing away of ******* and the Norwegian Orderud case soon after is relevant when it comes to this. I doubt I was hacked prior to 9.11 by someone from the Middle East, which I have suggested in letters to American authorities, because I don't think people would have tried to create wrong perceptions at my expense unless they did something themselves that may have caused words about attack method to spread. I might have been hacked by someone from Norway. May be by someone working for Norwegian armed forces. A short text on a Norwegian stocktalk in the Norwegian language that was deleted a short time after it was written is totally irrelevant. This was only a matter of theory. The part of the Norwegian stocktalk under it was written was then a little visitied community. First it is very unlikely someone who may have read the text has forwarded words from it to someone in the Middle east. If someone had it is very unlikely that a normal person would have managed to inlfuence on someone to carry out such an attack. Second, for someone to have guilt someone must have communicated such words to an authority or to people in the Middle east, and it must be proven that a person has. I have never communicated such words to anyone involved in such an attack or to someone in the Middle East. Writing a text in a discussion forum is just like talking in an open meeting of about something that in theory could happen. It is not forbidden. People monitoring the PC I use today lie about this, probably because they have been lied to by someone, or because they did something themselves. I suspect the person is related to the chief of police then *******, who may have had a responsibility for why the police authority that received a message from me about this, may have done a wrong job. Had a message POT received from me been handled in a correct way it should have had an oppsite effect and led to correct counter measures. I have never communicated words to someone in the Middle east about using passenger airplanes as attack method, and of course never encouraged anyone to attack America in such a way. People who influenced someone in 2001 were well connected and someone did something that provoked someone so much that it caused an attack. No one would have listened to me in 2001. I was not a famous and I was ignored. It takes a lot for words to reach people "high up". They normally have many things to think about. I wonder if King ******* of *******, who is a pilot according to news sources, bas been involved in crimes that has been committed against me since 2011. I also wonder if member of the ******* Royal family have been involed. There was a Norwegian Royal wedding not a long time before the 9.11 attack. ******* and people related to him were well connected with ties to the Norwegian Crown prince then. ó
I have never had such good relations. A person who looked like *******'s brother showed up in a hostel I visited in Berlin recently. He tried to avoid me, but showed up in the place I rented a bed because I was there. That is reason to question. If *******¸ is dead it should be investigated if he was present in New York during the 9.11 attack. It should also be investigated if he was involved in spread of words, or if he knows who was. It may also be that clumsy police work caused words to spread to wrong people. That would have been a natural way wrong words could reach wrong people, because people working for intelligence services are among the few people able to reach people with the capacity to carry out such an attack.
Respectfully Christian Morten Borge +371 28746206
Later comment to message
The same people who have tried to create wrong perceptions about me imply that making changing in names implies a person has done something wrong or committed a crime which is of course far from reality. They are sick and in need of psychological /psychiatric help. People change name of different and personal reasons. A lot of women do when they marry. Some women also dont even when they marry. Some men also do it, but more rarely, for other personal reasons. I for example changed name from Morten Christian Morten Borge to Christian Morten Borge because I wanted the first name I use to be placed before the first name Morten that I dont use. Then I more rarely have to tell people I meet that I use the name Christian. Some people assume the first name in a name is the name used. That is a matter of common sense. Not a matter of crime. For a year or two I also had another surname of personal reasons.
Implying that making changes in name makes a person a terrorist or criminal is like implying that women who change name are terrorists or criminals..