A matter of warcrimes or crimes

US strikes in Iraq in February 2001 in which 3 people were killed and almost 30 people injured was perceived as an
act of war by people in Iraq. It is easy to understand and reason for that. If someone attacked targets in
the country you live in, that killed 3 people and injured almost 30, how would people in your country perceive that?
People in most countries would perceive that as an act of war.

These strikes caused the 9.11 attack: One act of war caused another act of war. Both possibly a consequence of decisions
taken by authorities.

When the US decided to retaliate and send soldiers to the Middle East or to Afghanistan later it was a matter of American choice, and a matter of choice by allied authorities when soldiers came from other countries. America could have decided not
to send soldiers even though one can understand that they did. If a soldier was injured for life as a consequence
it is naturally the responsibility of the authorities to care for them after.

I am a civilian. I have of course never had a motive related to the February strikes nor to the 9.11 attack. I have never been soldier  who have participated in war. 3-6 months before 9.11 I typed some words as a civilian on my PC about risk of airplanes in theory could be used to attack targets far away for example if there was risk of revenge after the Iraq/Kuwait war. I think the text was in the Norwegian language. I sent a message to a Norwegian police authority, that then had a responsibility of surveillance of suspicious activities in Norway, and informed them about this. I believe I wrote I was not sure whether or not there was such a risk. When I did this I also believe I visited at least one Iraqi website of curiosity. I never sent a message to anyone in Iraq or in in
the Middle East about this, but believe someone who then connected to my PC ("hacked it") may have picked up the words.

Since sometime before the summer 2011 someone has stolen data from me including trashed data I have never saved and never shared with anyone. Possibly through a keylogger or by staying connected to my PC 24/7. I started suspecting that after 12th May 2011 about on time when I filed a police case against a neighbour. Later it has become apparent to me that the datacrimes had been going on over many years. In 2011 I had worked on a sports project that had become very valuable. The project was motive for the datacrimes and for abuse of data especially after May 2011.

As a civilian, everything that concerns me being a matter of right or wrong and law is a matter for a police authority and/or a court of law. Not for people working for an army. If people working for an army have been involved in activities against me they have committed war crimes. That also concerns if royal family members or politicians who have who have acted on irrelevant details that has disrupted my private life and work life over may years, and disrupted the valuable sports project I worked on.

If a person for example has committed a crime the right thing to do is of course to first establish a fact of whether or not a crime has been committed. No one has when it comes to in this case. I have committed no crime and that also explains why someone hasn't. Instead someone has tried to play on emotions, and engaged or influenced on hundreds or thousands of people to participate in creating wrong perceptions about the 9.11 attack, and possibly also about the 22nd July tragedy, not based on truth but on irrational emotions possibly with money motives. People who have a responsibility for that have committed obvious crimes or warcrimes by doing so.

Unless someone had sent a message to someone in Iraq or to someone in the Middle East prior to 9.11, and encouraged someone to attack America, and unless that can or could have been proven, no crime or warcrime has been committed. I have sent no message to someone in the Middle East before 9.11 but sent sent a message concerning risks to a Norwegian authority as a preventive measure.

I believe someone, possibly from the US and from other countres, have committed crimes and/or warcrimes against me since sometime before the summer 2011. They should be held responsible for it by a police authority or by a court of law.

Riga, 14th June 2024
Christian Morten Borge

Also see my videos:

The 9.11 attack and fabricated stories after:


Indications of psychotic thinking related to 9.11:
