Be conscious about the present danger/risk associated with the missing laws and missing law enforcement in our time

*That the data age is in an early stage and a lack of understanding in many countries of that laws have not kept up with the technological development and that there is a strong need for new laws and law enforcement to protect people's privacy.
*Today's PCs and operating systems are made in reckless, inhumane and borderless ways.
PC- and operating system makers have enabled individuals having special rights and/or knowlegde to connect to and monitor our PCs realtime (and cellphone) even when we think our PCs are offline, even when our network cards are de-activated and even when our operating system says we are offine, and in that way steal all kind of data from us in unimaginable ways. It therefore is a risk of that people we don't know can abuse our data including deleted- and trashed data in unimaginable ways. The use of this technology is a crime against everyone. Naturally use of it make people consciously or unconciously behave in reckless, inhumane and borderless ways which can make both users and victims of it mentally ill. You can read more about risks associated with use of PC in the end of the page.
*Recording of voice, manipulation of recordings and abuse of recordings.
*That today’s technologies makes it technically possible for people who abuse technologies to manipulate, «monitor», tap and/or «control» you in many ways.
*That today's cellphones enables young and old people to easily collaborate/participate in illegal organized persecution (which is defined as organized crime in many countries) in ways that not even police authorities would be able to 50 years ago, that police authorities in many countries have not been conscious enough about this problem and that there is a need for telecommunication software monitoring and analyzing communication patterns to easily reveal and stop such persecution quickly (very important!).
*Unimaginable for most people being poisoned or infected with a food, drink or physical disease by a person who intentionally wants to hurt someone. When it happens it is not about finding cure for a disease. Also unimaginable for most people vicious attempts to get hold of a person's biological material like hair for the purpose of fabrication, and sabotage in the value chain of goods.
Be careful with eating mushrooms unless you are sure they are safe to eat.
*Attempts to create wrong perceptions about peoples mental health with money motives or with other motives by abusing psychiatric diagnosis like psychosis and dementia.
*That people with special rights and or/knowledge may in some countries have an acceess to unique door lock keys/codes that enable them to enter your home and in that way access everything in your home including your PC and foods/liquids.
*Kidnappings and despite being unimaginable for most people swop of children after birth with money/gene motives and false identity of donors for artificial insamination.
*That supporters of a famous person feel so strongly committed to the person that they are willing to committ crimes to help the person in different ways and/or for different reasons for example by committing a crime against a critic or a person related to a critic. It is therefore important that famous people and especially politicians, head of states and leaders encourage people to abide by laws. If people know about planned crime being committed against a person without trying to stop it they are accomplices in a way.
*Businesses/research environments having developed technologies for reading peoples thoughts that can be used in abusive ways in conflict with laws, and a missing understanding for interpreting data from it correctly.

It is important to:

1) Work to prevent sexual child abuse, to stop spread of wrong information and to correct wrong information that has been spread. People should be informed that adults by instinct and nature are not interested sexually in children/small children and that sexual child abuse happens very, very rarely (it probably doesn't happen among animals). The fact is that adults normally care for children even if involved in crime.

Because sexual child abuse is serious people are naturally "on the guard" if someone “blows a whistle”. Using children “to test” people then is no good idea. Pushing them on to adults with this purpose may have the consequence of pushing abormal emotions on to the tested adults that they by nature and instincts don't have and scare people who normally could help and care for children in a normal way away. The acts of such testing is easily noticed and it can hurt people emotionally, and there should be a warning that throwing wrong suspicions at people or using children to test “wrong” people in such a way at worst may trigger abnormal or bad behaviour.
In countries where selling sex is is allowed and no crime, where adults normally seek physical contact with other adults for mutual physical care and/or physical contact, there is also no reason to suspect adult customers of the workers for being in a “risk” zone of being sexual child abusers.

It is important that misinformation and irrational thoughts is corrected and that judges, police officiers and psychologists are not given wrong information about such abuse.

One can assume that there normally is an abnormal money and/or revenge motive behind such crimes, and that the very few people involved in such abuse (”1 of 1.000.000”) have a combination of several rare and special charcteristics. They may have been neglected in a bad way by society, probably have “animal tendencies” (animals do not have laws) and probably a drug history because of difficulties in life and stand out in ways. People would probably perceive a person who is involved in such crimes as more abnormal than the abnormal man on the bus and more abnormal than a drug user, but because so few people are involved in such crimes most people will probably never meet one of them. When crimes are abnormal the motivations for them beyond a money/revenge motive are also abnormal. One extra motivation can for example be to create wrong perceptions in a way about a person when that can benefit someone. Another the idea of provoking a person close to the child to make the person committ a crime against a perpetrator or suspected perpetrator to criminalize the person. People involved in such child abuse may be paid by a backer and are not genetically related to the abused child.

2) Prevent that people cause physical or psychological harm or illness to children.

3) Prevent that people disrupt negatively on the natural development of childrens' natural gender preference ('sexual orientation' when older).

4) Prevent that people in sly/illegal ways try to make young people committ crimes and/or prostitute themselves. Note: Bad experiences is for a person like eating food the person doesn’t like. If the person doesn't like it the person don’t do it again. Having a small child or being close to a child victim of such abuse or other kind of abuse is very traumatic. Helpful then is to know that psychologically it is no problem for (young) people who have been victims of such abuse in the past to deal with it as long other people don’t make it difficult for them. This is easy to understand. It’s no point in reminding people about the bad food they ate one day 10 years ago. Psychologically all people soon “forget” about or put behind them the bad experiences in life but try to learn from them.Getting an injury or physical disease that can't be healed can make it more difficult and naturally take more time to deal with psychologially.

Mass psychosis since 2011 or before caused by reckless, inhumane and borderless Pcs and operating systems

There has been a mass psychosis in Norway and in other countries since the serious crimes committed on 22nd July 2011 caused by missing laws and reckless, inhumane and borderless Pcs and operating systems. Any change in form of Government in Norway will naturally happen after a referendum sometime in the future or if the Head of state wants a change. Norway will for example not become a republic if a 12-year old dies or is found dead on a soccer field or if a person related to me or someone else dies. Please make sure people get psychiatric/psychological help if they express that kind of psychotic beliefs.

As a victim of a data crime (someones ill and addictive use of the reckless, inhumane and borderless Pcs and operating systems that PC- and operating system makers have enabled them to) it is not my job to pardon to the victims and not my job to pardon to their next of kin but I can help people affected by the crimes to deal with the consequences and to understand what has happened. Perpetrators have committed crimes against me and against them.

The Norwegian state has a responsibility for the consequences of not having stopped them and makers of Pcs and the operating systems have an obvious responsibility for the insanity of selling people an operating system that tricks buyers both to think that PCs are offline when online and to think that only people with user accounts can login to their Pcs. Pcs and operating systems must be forbidden by law in all nations unless they are made in ways that prevents inhumane, borderless and reckless use.

Other information

Despite that I from the summer 2011 used a PC that was considered to be safe with a de-activated network card , despite that I for special reasons wrote that “what I type must never be used to hurt or kill anyone” and despite that I trashed the data (in other words «took back words I typed»), despite that I never shared the data with anyone and despite that I never communicated with anyone about the data, despite that the data was typed with the motivation of only thinking about reasons for different types of crimes and of how terrorism in theory could happen psychotic people and/or people involved in crime stole the trashed data with special motivations through criminal acts, shared and/or communicated with people involved in crime about the data and abused the data with own motivations in ways that made people committ crimes. They stole data after install of ‘invisible’ spyware on my PC and/or by connecting realtime to my PC through an unknown network connection (not shown in Windows) without my acceptance to it and without my awarance of it. Either through “microscopic” parts on the complicated motherboard normal people don’t know about or through a component someone has added to my PC when entering my home while I have been out. Backers and people responsible for it have committed crimes and owe me and others an apology for this.

From 2005-2011 and for some time after I worked hard and honestly on a sports project that become very promising and valuable. This was «my» project that I gave programmers and people who worked with me an ownership in. Sadly people who committed data crimes against me who tried to get hold my project before the summer 2011 somehow influenced on the person who committed the 22nd July crimes in Norway in 2011 (a terrorist attack).

People should have been informed about this through Norwegian newspapers. Before 2011, in 2011 and after 2011 I also believe people who committed datacrimes by connecting to my PC have spread wrong information about me and people related to me to people in different countries with personal motives. First of all I and people close to me of course had nothing to do with the 22nd July crimes. And I am not from a rich tobacco family. Another thing is that one of my ancestors had a legal tobacco business in Norway generations ago. He earned his money through hard- and honest work like most people do like my other ancestors have done. My closer ancestors have been involved in shipping, farming, leading of building projects, management of a store complex and running of a hardware store. People in my family are normal and good people and also my relatives are perceived in that way. I have neither been a victim of sexual child abuse and neither has any of my brothers/sisters. People related to me have as far as I know only been involved in legal businesses/work and I don't believe there is any reason to critizise and oppose any of them.

Because some crimes had not been committed had it not been for datacrimes committed against me in 2011 and before and after the summer 2011 I encourage people who have been affected by crimes related to these datacrimes to file a police case with reference to the police case I filed in May/June 2011 and to express that it is needed to hold responsible the person/business who has the responsibility for having enabled people to steal such data from me, and/or to hold responsible the person who had the responsibility for stealing data from me. That mainly concerned trashed unshared data/words from my private PC that someone by connecting to my PC without my awareance to it stole. Microsoft may have a responsibility for it.

I have committed no crime and have only been a vitctim of datacrimes and someone should be held responsible for it. Several laws have been broken and I believe the PC maker and the operating system maker has a main responsibility. They have enabled someone to break privacy laws and, someone to steal and abuse stolen output of my keystrokes to manipulate/influence on people and as a consequence some people have committed crimes on the basis of bits from the data.

I believe aggravated robbery is the right words to use about it and the prison sentence for such robbery is long in Norway.
People from Pakistan were probably familiar with the data crimes someone committed before the summer 2011 but so were other people.

Datacrimes committed against me started in or before 2007 by someone who used stolen trashed data from my PC to influence on a few young Norwegian males in school age (16 yrs old +/-) to show up a few times in a fast food restaurant I visited in Sandvika outside Oslo. They undoubtably did so consciously in attempts to provoke me. I can say that for sure because of their behaviour. In itself this was «innoscent» and nothing really to «think about». But with regard to the ongoing datacrimes and bacause they were under influence by someone who committed the crimes with motive in my project it was far more serious. They managed to annoy me and I then didn't understand the cause of their provocations. I typed about this on my PC and people who connected to it also «picked up» words I typed and trashed as a consequence. They used those words for more manipulation. What happened prior to 22nd July was that «small» and «innoscent» crimes or provocations on an individual level caused bigger problems and more serious crimes. That caused the 22nd July tragedy. I also wonder if they committed a crime by blackmailing my mother.
I have noticed traces that I belive comes from my sports project also in Latvia and it is questionable who influenced on Latvians before the summer 2011.

I had no idea someone stole data including trashed data from me before 2011. Probably by connecting to my PC in ways most people don't know is possible. The 22nd July tragedy therefore partly had a technical cause. The way trashed and unshared output from my keystrokes has ended up with other people has a technical explanation. I have normally used my Pcs in a responsible way and have never shared the relevant data with anyone.

It is a problem that these facts have not been acknowledged because they are the details that should be taken the most seriously in the 22nd July case and in related cases. People who connect to other peoples Pcs in such ways lose contact with reality because they don't have to deal with people. Connecting to other peoples Pcs in this ways works like an illegal drug. It is too easy to relate to other peoples in this a way. When something bad happens like a terrorist attack it is especially important to contact people to talk with people even when it feels strange or abnormal. Terrorist attacks are abnormal. Then it may be the most difficult because of associated discomfort and anxieties/fears such tragedies can trigger. Especially then it is needed, no matter how uncomfortable it is, to question all details that may be relevant.

The PC is a work tool of the PC owner. For someone who could have had relevant information in the 22nd July case the PC would be used to sort out details that could have been relevant in the case with the purpose to write for example a letter or message to for example a police authority with relevant details. I did so in 2011 and 2012. Data that I trashed and didn't share with anyone was irrelavnt in the case. The information I shared with police authorities in 2011 and 2021 is evidence on that for example my alcohol intake didn't affect my sense of judgement at all when it comes to communicating correct information to police. If someone says so they are mentally ill. I have communicated the same information to Norwegian police authorities over and over again since. It was uncomfortable for me to contact a police authority in 2012 despite the fact that I had done nothing wrong but it was needed. I didn't know how details I shared was relevant in 2011 and 2012 but the information I shared was undoubtably relevant.

Dishonest people who connected to my PC in 2011, in 2012 and after stole and abused all the irrelevant data from my PC that I trashed and made someone ignore the relevant information I shared with a Norwegian police authority. They probably did so because they did something before 22nd July that was relevant to understand why the 22nd July happened, or in a panic

because what happened was dangerous and a shock. People who connected to my PC without my acceptance and without my awareance to it then caused a mass psychosis. By that I don't mean that people affected were apparently mentally ill but that someone used PC technology in a way they shouldn't have and that things developed in a psychotic way as a consquence. That probably also caused psychotic thoughts in Labor party-, LO- and AUF members.

I was a victim of that and the same people probably still connect to my PC without my acceptance. That is psychotic because it is behaviour people under normal circumstances call datacrimes and do not accept.

When someone is psychotic the person needs a psychological correction if not understanding that
his or her behaviour is unacceptable. Later I have resoned that the sports project I worked on was the main motive for committing datacrimes against me for years before 22nd July and that there also was at least one other motive.

After 22nd July 2011 I had no idea someone could connect to my PC even after I had de-activated my network card. The stealing and the abuse of output from my keystrokes after 22nd July may have been done by the the same people who had a responsibility for the datacrimes before the 22nd July. By that I mean the people who somehow influenced on or manipulated Breivik. Someone may have given many people an access to connect to my PC sometime before 22nd July and may have done so viciously to trick or manipulate people.

I rememeber that I after 22nd July in 2011 or in 2012 tapped keys a day that could indicate that I
just wanted the «uncertainty» to go away. I then missed information about what had been going on and people still connected to my PC without my awareance of it and without my acceptance.

I did not know whether or not my sports project had been a subject in a meeting at the home of the crown prince and crown princess earlier that year, my life had been in danger for some time and I didn't understand why, I felt discomfort about the memories I had to my trashed private keystrokes that I had never shared with anyone, and details I noticed and wondered about from the stories written about the 22nd July case in newspapers gave me an uncertainty.
I had then not heard from the police in Sandvika after the police case I had filed mistakenly was shelved after a week in June 2011. Of course I wanted the uncertainty to go away. But not in the way it did. The way someone continued to connect to my PC and the way they continued to abuse my trashed data only caused problems for me. The datacrimes someone had committed should have been investigated, or at least stopped, and if my sports project was subject at the meeting at Skaugum information about it should have been communicated to police and people who made it a subject there should have been held responsible for attempted robbery. The same people probablyt influenced on the 22nd July terrorist. If it was subject there that explains why my life was in danger.

These are reasons for why the case never should have been shelved especially if my project was subject at the meeting at Skaugum.

If you have information that you think is relevant in this case you can share the information with Interpol at with police reference no. 15975948 4702/23 -201 in Norway. The case concerns crimes committed in several countries.

Seek psychological help if you or someone you know needs help to deal with this.

More or less serious crimes/law violations/criminal cases can trigger psychotic/desperate/illegal behaviour and/or criminal/psychotic acts. Very serious crimes like terrorist attacks can cause masspsychosis.

Latvia, 28.03.24

Christian Morten Borge

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