Email to New York Times 6th August 2024 (included copy of email to Aftenposten)

A Norwegian authority should admit that there was a police-, defence- or surveillence scandal in Norway in 2001 concerning

9.11. I sent a message to a Norwegian surveillance authority in 2001 some months before 2001 in which I encouraged them to consider risk related to use of passenger airplanes as weapons. I remember this well. I did not send emails/messages to anyone in or from the middle east.

Under is a message to a Norwegian newspaper (in Norwegian) concerning the scandal.

If you get the text translated make sure you get a correct translation. People conneting to my PC without my permission have been lying for many years. 

Christian Morten Borge

-------- Original Message --------

Subject:PST eller Politidirektoratet bör tvinges (2)
Date:2024-08-04 04:51
From:Christian Morten Borge <>

Jeg har aldri sendt epost til noen i eller fra Midtösten i eller för 2001 i forbindelse med dette.  


-------- Original Message --------

Subject:PST eller Politidirektoratet bör tvinges
Date:2024-08-04 04:49
From:Christian Morten Borge <>

PST (POT i 2001) eller Politidirektoratet bör overfor amerikanske myndigheter tvinges til å erkjenne at ord kan ha flyttet seg fra Norge til en person i Midtösten som var involvert i planlegging av 9.11 som fölge av en politi-, forsvars eller etteretningsskandale i Norge. De bör tvinges til det fordi POT var "siste mann på ballen" etter at de mottok epost fra meg
som handlet om å vurdere risiko knyttet til bruk av passasjerfly som våpen.
De var betalte profesjonelle. Jeg en ubetalt amatör. Jeg husker krystallklart at jeg sendte en epost til POT om det.

Det er riktig å bruke ord som politi-, forsvars eller etteretningsskandale fordi det antakelig ikke var vilje
til å påföre USA skade som förte til at ord ble flyttet. 

Samtidig går det an på en måte å gi uttrykk for at norske myndigheter mener at POT medarbeidere og nordmenn ikke hadde skyld i forbindelse med angrepet, som uten tvil ble utlöst av angrepene mot mål i Irak i februar 2001 etter beslutning av amerikanske og britiske myndigheter.   

Det går an å også uttrykke på en måte at om amerikanere mener noe annet må de håndtere det på en normal måte, slik man normalt tar stilling til om en person er skyldig eller uskyldig i saker, ved å ta det til retten. Norske myndigheter bör si klart fra om til amerikanske myndigheter at lovbrudd mot norske statsborgere ikke vil bli akseptert fremover og at de som anses for å bryte lov risikerer å bli saksökt eller anmeldt (en advokat kan sikkert formulere bedre enn meg på juss språket).

Andre grunner til at PST eller Politidirektoratet bör tvinges til å erkjenne at det var en politi- forsvars eller etteretningsskandale er:

-POT kunne om de ikke gjorde det ha videresendt en epost til en amerikansk myndighet med tanke på forebygging etter at de mottok epost fra meg. Gjorde de det? Om ikke hvorfor ikke? 

-Myndigheter kunne ha sörget for bevepnede vakter vakter på fly för angrepene. Det var kanskje ikke så lett for POT medarbeidere å vite noe om detaljer knyttet til hvordan det var på amerikanske fly för angrepet.

Hvor gammel jeg var har ingen ting å si i forbindelse med dette. Bruk av passasjerfly viste seg å väre en angrepsmåte og eposten jeg sendte skulle ha virket forebyggende om den hadde värt håndtert på riktig måte. 

Å erkjenne at det var en politi- forsvars eller etteretningsskandale er riktig for å beskytte alle nordmenn uavhenhig av nöyaktig hva som skjedde. POT/Politidirektoratet er/var en myndighet som tåler en slik innrömmelse.    

Å mene at en enkeltperson som  bare har oppfordret POT til å vurdere risiko har ansvar er en grov forbrytelse.

Med vennlig hilsen
Christian M. Borge  


Email to Interpol 6th August 2024

Correction of possibly manipulated message from me to Interpol 4th July 2024 

Interpol received a message from me on 4th August 2024. I have reviewed the
text in the message and it was needed to correct and rewrite some text.
it may be that some of the words(s) in the text Interpol received was manipulated either by someone mentally ill or by someone involved in crime who still are connected to my PC.

Attempts to create wrong perceptions concerning 9.11 and 22nd July

I have been a victim of very serious datacrime since 2007 or since before 2007. I have reported information to police about the crimes since May 2011. By mistake Norwegian police shelved a police case being about life/death only in early June 2011 one week after it was registered. The polie case was undoubtably relevant in the 22nd July terrorist case. Someone involved in the datacrimes committed somehow influenced on the 22nd July terrorist.

Norwegian police authorities have ignored everything about the police case I filed. In stead they have treated me like a criminal. In 2011 I worked on a sports project that had become very valueable that was motive for the datacrimes. People in a King family and/or people involved in organized crime, who were responsible for the datacrimes, sabotaged the project.

People involved in crimes committed against me have tried to create wrong perceptions about different matters since 2011. There was a meeting in the home of the Norwegian crown prince and crown princess in first half of 2011 and there are reasons to suspect that the project was subject in talks between people at the meeting. If it was then a serious crime was committed. It was then an attempt of robbery and explains why my life was in danger from 12th May 2011. I have sent letters/emails addressed to the right Norwegian authorities (also to the King Palace) for getting an answer on whether or not it was subject in talks at the meeting but they don't respond.
Because the case was very serious I believe the Norwegian King family has committed a crime by not answering. The details are important for understanding who influenced on the 22nd July terrorist.

I also shared information with a Norwegian police authority in first half 2010 about a man involved in dealing of illegal drugs married to a woman with the name Leila Jörgensen who worked a same place as me from 2003 to 2004.

It should have been investigated if people linked to Leilas husband influenced on the terrorist.

Interpol receives this message from me because someone has tried to create wrong perceptions today.

I believe two women, whom from different angles could look similar in ways to Leila Jörgensen, consciously have walked close to me to create the wrong perception of that there is or has been contact between Leila Jörgensen and me which it of course isn’t, or between them and me. I have never met or communicated with the two women before.

The first woman had a hair type that coud look like Leila’s seen from behind.
She stayed in the Hostel I live in and showed up in the stairs of a Metro where I walked later. I suspect that the idea was to get us captured on photo or video in a way to create a wrong perception of that there is contact between Leila and me which it isn’t.

In a park later today I noticed another woman also with a similar look to Leila in some ways. She walked together with a younger woman who could have been her daughter. I was conscious about their presence and when they walked aside me I consciously took a turn in another direction than them. Short time after they changed direction and came after me. They then suddenly walked near me on my left hand side.

I think suspect someone did so because someone had a plan to take a photo of us with a purpose of creaing a wrong perception of contact between them or between Leila Jörgensen and me.

This is important information because after 2011 there was an investigation and a trial against a man people called “GT” and against a man called Eirik jensen in Norway. The husband of Leila Jörgensen was probably involved in their business. When police received a message from me in first quarter 2010 about the man, which I sent as a consequence of the datacrime someone commutted (I believe Leila Jörgensen had information about the datacrime I was victim of), I assume someone who worked for police encouraged him to quit in the illegal drugs business not to get caught. Instead people involved in their illegal business started participating in stealing of data from my PC and had a plan to steal my project to obtain an extra income in another way.
There is no doubt that either they or others have tricked Norwegian king family members and others with stolen trashed data from my PC.

Today I noticed a young woman here in the Hostel who looked like Leha Behn who is the daughter of Norwegian Martha Louise and Ari Behn who is daughter of the Norwegian King and Queen. I think she left not long time after she was here. Was it her?

There will soon be a wedding in Norway between her mother and an American which is controversial. I suspect both of them, and possibly also children of King family members, to have been involved in the datacrimes committed against me.
Someone has used stolen trashed data from my pc tactically in a play, and people have also been tricked/manipulated when it comes to that. I suspect that escpecially concerns some people related to me.
May be some people also have wrong thoughts about the coming wedding.

Some weeks ago a man who in some ways looked like Eirik Jensen stayed in the Hostel. Whether or not it was him I don’t know. He talked with canadian/american accent and called himself Lance. There has never been any contact between us before I came here. I didnt perceive him as an evil person but he had had some challenges with regard to having a home and an income. Not having a home and missing an income will affect most people in negative ways.

I have shared recetnly information with a Norwegian Johan H. Andresen’s company Ferd about 9.11. There undoubtably was a police, defence or surveillance scandal in Norway in 2001 that caused words about the theoretic risk og use of passenger airplanes as weapons to somehow spread from Norway to someone in or from the Middle east. I know this for sure because I sent an email to the Norwegian police authority POT some months before 9.11 in which I encouraged POT to consider related risk. People have been lying about this and there undoubtably has been a cover up in Norway since 2001. I did not send any email to someone in or from the Middle east.

I do not know anyone in Ferd but one of the owners ancestors was sister of one of my ancestors. The owner’s family are distand relatives and I believe someone has tried to create wrong perceptions related to 9.11 also to cause damage on them. They of course had nothing to do with the police, defence or surveillance scandal. I shared information because I think it was right to do.

People have made mistakes since 2011 related to these details and to the tragedy in Norway on 22nd July 2011. I believe Norwegian King family members and their friends have made these mistakes. People have stolen and abused trashed data from my PC all these years and a lot of people have been under influence by someone mentally ill connected to my PC. They have all the time ignored my sports project as a motive, which undopubtably was an alterior motive in the 22nd July case. It was also a dependent motive. By that I mean that the terrorist attack wouldn’t have happened if it had not been for the project. I also suspect that someone who committed the datacrimes used my project as bate to trick people.

I recenly ordered some shirts with texts I have written for correcting disinformation someone has spread. I wear the shirts in Warsaw and people who have spread the disinformation of course dislike that.

I have not committed any crime and it is needed to correct lies someone has spread.

Should something happen to me while here in the Hostel, and should I die, it is of course murder. My health is fine and no reason to worry about my mental health.

It is very serious that these details have been ignored. I share this information to protect myself.

Christian M. Borge


Email to Interpol 5th August 2024

Interpol last night received a message from me about people I believe have participated in an attempt to create wrong perceptions for a reason. Someone with an influence on many people have worked very hard to do so in different ways since 2011. A person has done so by stealing trashed, unshared data from my PC and later abused the data in very sick ways.   

People who connect to my PC these days do not have my permission. Neither have people had before.   

I believe someone has tried to create a wrong perception of that there has been or is a relation between me and a few people who have been near me last days.  

Today a normal, adult, dark haired woman approached me and asked for 5 zloties. I wanted to help her and  gave her the money she needed. I didn’t have a 5 coin so I had to go the pharmacy to get coins/smaller bills. It may be this was a genuine and random ask for help but it is needed to mention if it was not. 

I did not know the woman and have never met or communicated with her before.  

I suspect that people who have participated in creating wrong perceptions use photo to create wrong perceptions. If someone tells a story and uses photos to give arguments it is very important when it comes to the case(s) that has affected my life that  everything is questioned. People who have been involved are very good at creating wrong perceptions.  

If someone says there has been communication or contact betweeen me and other people it is very important that I am asked about it, because it is quite likely they will lie.   

Christian M. Borge 


Email to Interpol 4th August 2024

Attempts to create wrong perceptions concerning 9.11 and 22nd July 

I have been a victim of very serious datacrime since 2007 or since before 2007. I have reported information to police about the crimes since May 2011. By mistake Norwegian police shelved a police case being about life/death only in early June 2011 one week after it was registered.  The polie case was undoubtably relevant in the 22nd July terrorist case. Someone involved in the datacrimes committed somehow influenced on the 22nd July terrorist.  
Norwegian police authorities have ignored everything about the police case I filed. In stead they have treated me like a criminal. In 2011 I worked on a sports project that had become very valueable that was motive for datacrime. People in a King family and/or people involved in organized crime, who were responsible for the datacrimes, sabotaged the project.   

People involved in crimes committed against me have tried to create wrong perceptions about different matters ever since. There was a meeting in the home of the Norwegian crown prince and crown princess in first half of 2011 and there are reasons to suspect that the project was subject in talks between people at the meeting. If it was a serious crime was committed. It was then an attempt of robbery and explains why my life was in danger from 12th May 2011. I have sent letters/emails addressed to the right Norwegian authorities (also to the King Palace) for getting an answer but they don't respond. Because the case was very serious I believ the Norwegian King family has committed a crime by not answering. The details are important for understanding who influenced on the 22nd July terrorist.    

I also shared information with a Norwegian police authority in first half 2010 about a man involved in dealing of illegal drugs married to a woman with the name Leila Jörgensen who worked a same place as me from 2003 to 2004.   

It should have been investigated if people linked to him influenced on the terrorist.  

Interpol receives this message because someone has tried to create wrong perceptions today,    

I believe two women, whom from different angles could look similar in ways to Leila Jörgensen, have walked consciously close to me to create the wrong perception of that there is contact between Leila Jörgensen and me which it of course isn’t.   

The first woman had a hair type that coud look like Leila’s seen from behind.  
She stayed in the Hostel I  live in and showed up in the stairs of a Metro where I walked later. I suspect that the idea was to get us captured on photo or video in a way to create a wrong perception of that there is contact between Leila and me which it isn’t.    

In a park later today  I noticed another woman also with a similar look to Leila in some ways. She walked together with a younger woman who could have been her daughter. I was conscious about their presence and when they walked aside me I consciously took a turn  in another direction than them. Short time after they changed direction and came after me. They then suddenly walked close next to me  on my left hand side.   

I think there is no doubt they did so because someone had a plan to take a photo of us with a purpose of creaing a wrong perception of contact between Leila Jörgensen and me.   

This is important information because after 2011 there was an investigation and a trial against a man called “GT” and against a man called Eirik jensen in Norway. The husband of Leila Jörgensen was probably involved in their business. When police received a message from me first quarter 2010 about the man, which I sent for good reasons, someone working for police probably encouraged him to quit in the illegal drugs business not to get caught. Instead they started participating in stealing of data from my PC and had a plan to steal my project to obtain an extra income in another way. I believe people they have worked with have tricked Norwegian king family members and others.  

Today I noticed a young woman here in the Hostel who looked like Leha Behn who is the daughter of Norwegian Martha Louise and Ari Behn  who is daughter of the Norwegian King and Queen. I think she left not long time after she was here.  Was it her? 
There will soon be a wedding in Norway between her mother and an American which is controversial. I suspect both of them, and possibly also children of King family members, to have been involved in datacrimes committed against me.  Someone has used stolen trashed data from my pc tactically for a reason, and people have been also been tricked when it comes to that. People may for example have wrong thoughts 
concerning the wedding.   

Some weeks ago a man who in some ways looked like Eirik Jensen stayed in the Hostel. Whether or not it was him I don’t know.  He talked with canadian/american accent and called himself Lance. There has never been any contact between us before I came here. I didnt perceive him as an evil person but he had had some challenges with regard to having a home and an income. Not having a home and missing an income will affect most people in negative ways.   I mention these details because I need to protect myself.  
I have shared recetnly information with a Norwegian Johan H. Andresen’s company Ferd about 9.11. There undoubtably was a police, defence or surveillance scandal in Norway in 2001 that caused words about the theoretic risk og use of passenger airplanes  as weapons to somehow spread from Norway to someone in or from the Middle east. I know this for sure because I sent an email to the Norwegian police authority POT some months before 9.11 in which I encouraged POT to consider related risk. People have been lying about this and there undoubtably has been a cover up in Norway since 2001. I did not send any email to someone in or from the Middle east.  
I do not know anyone in Ferd but one of the owners ancestors was sister of one of my ancestors. The owner’s family are distand relatives and I believe someone has tried to create wrong perceptions related to 9.11 also to cause damage on them. They of course had nothing to do with the police, defence or surveillance scandal. I shared information because I believe that was a responsible thing to do.   
People have made mistakes since 2011 related to these details and to the tragedy in Norway on 22nd July 2011. I believe Norwegian King family members and their friends have made these mistakes. People have stolen and abused trashed data from my PC all these years and a lot of people have been under influence by someone mentally ill connected to my PC. They have all the time ignored my sports project as a motive, which undopubtably was an alterior motive in the 22nd July case. It was also a dependent motive. By that I mean that the terrorist attack wouldn’t have happened if it had not been for the project. 
It is very serious that these details have been ignored. 

 I mention these details because I need to protect myself.  
I recenly ordered some shirts with texts I have written for correcting disinformation someone has spread. I wear the shirts in Warsaw and someone undoubtably dislikes it. I suspect the Norwegian King family, the Swedish King family, the Danish King family and the British King family to have been involved in the spreading of wrong information.   
I have not committed any crime and people dislike that I correct their lies.  

Should something happen to me while here in the Hostel, and should I die, it is of course murder. My health is fine and no reason to worry about my mental health.   

Christian M. Borge      


18th July 02:44

After I came to Poland I have stayed in a hostel in Warszaw. I don't know anyone in Warszaw but have sometimes talked with one person who also is staying in the hostel who sounds like an American but looks a bit like xxxx xxxxx from the Norwegian trial against xx and xxxxxx. I mention this because someone over a long time has tried to create a wrong perceptions in some ways. 
It is therefore needed to mention there has never been communication/contact between us before I came to this Hostel.
He seems like a nice person and has done nothing wrong against me here. We have had nice conversations. 

Because I have been a victim of datacrimes over a long time, and because someone responsible for the datacrimes has influenced on people to committ other crimes, it is needed to be open about this to prevent that people get wrong ideas. 

We have talked about the PCvaluemark project I am working on which I think also appeals to him which is very positive.